With that said, I will also repeat my prior concluding remarks: '.no folks, I am not going to recommend or even suggest a specific 'graphics card'.' Consult your local computer-professional or computer-manufacturer (Windows-based or Apple-Mac, as the case may be) regarding your graphics, if you are unclear as to what your current graphics capabilities are, or you wish to upgrade your graphics technology to insure full compatibility. There are simply too many variations in the Mac 'lineup of products' to talk more specifically in an article like this, so consult your Apple Store or Apple Support regarding your present or future graphics requirements if you are using or considering a Mac purchase. Apple has always been ahead of most 'Windows computer designers' and they have for some time provided 'graphics with on-board memory' in all but their lowest-end desktop machines, laptops are a different matter. The principle holds true for the 'Mac App for QBO' itself. As such, you should experience enhanced QuickBooks Online operations with such a graphics card over running the App with only ‘on-board’ graphics and your computer’s standard memory. The ‘Windows App’ (for QBO) like a browser, can (will) make use of the dedicated memory and processing capabilities of your graphics card. However, you will no longer be able to download, receive customer support for, or receive software updates and bug fixes to the apps after April 20th. What does this mean for you No action is required at this time, and you can continue to use the apps as long as your browser supports it. Despite that, I will reaffirm my previous conclusions. The QuickBooks Online Windows and Mac desktop apps are no longer supported as of April 20, 2021.